Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Perfect Sunday

Our "family" of four laying on the living room floor, just kicking it
Breakfast of omlettes and toast
Sundays we relax
Cluedo and snaks we pile on pillows
I dare you to do a silly dance
"I Have Never" comes in rounds
Can you believe there are poeple who till havn’t been on an airplane?
Movie time! What are we watching today?
How ‘bout Somethings Gotta Give
Hide and seek in the dark
We go outside and watch the stars
Kiss the horses good night and
Head inside for a dinner with sweet, sweet wine

Monday, January 14, 2008

Morning Bike Ride

This morning I went for a bike ride through the French countryside. It was exquisite in the early morning light. The cool breeze washed over my face and made my checks flush with pink. The sun smiled through the gray clouds and lit the forest on fire. The grass sparkled in neon greens and tiny, little, yellow flowers still managed to poke their heads through the wet leaves, even in the middle of winter. I passed black and white cows playing king of the dung heap, nearly got bombarded by geese and heard roosters crowing like there was no tomorrow. I even encountered a few dogs but didn’t stay long enough to find out whether or not they were friendly. The feeling of freedom. Not knowing, or caring where you are or even what you are. Being open to all possibilities. Should I go right or should I go left? Spontaneous exploration is a wonderful thing. Breathing in the damp air. That smell of wonderful rotting leaves and moss on trees gives me a feeling of forever. It is a timeless scent with no end. It is comforting and will make you remember the funniest things. As I headed home, I passed an old fellow on his bike on his way out for his own cycling adventure. Just as I got into the barn, it started to drizzle, then pour. I wonder if he turned around and went home or if he enjoyed getting caught in the rain?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Taking a bath with the dishes

Once again we have no hot water. It is a comedy of errors for all we can do is make light of the situation and teach our selves to use only a liter of hot water for a “bath” and wash our hair in cold. Do not take anything for granted and simplify are my mottoes for this year. We laugh in the face of hardships but it is okay because we are all in this together.

Warmer weather brings smiles
Tank tops and shorts are on the mind
But don’t get too comfortable
I open myself up with love and respect and expect it in return
How dare you diminish my soul and your own at that
No one can make me feel bad or inferior except myself
I stand before you as a friend
You strip me with your honesty
I value your opinion and we share our fears
But have no fears for I am here
I dedicate my ever-lasting soul to you
I pledge my heart to yours
Bosom sisters we are
I make these sacrifices for you and essentially for myself too
I am glad I’m here
Cold weather, rough times, I’m glad I’m here
To share these little moments with you
We find delight in the slightest
And in my opinion that is the most important
You are Joan of Arch and I am the Angel she saw
I love you like my own flesh and blood
Talk to me dear, I am yours for the listening